As the New Year approaches, some of you may be thinking about setting goals or resolutions as a way to improve your personal or professional lives. Popular resolutions might include exercising more, eating healthier, saving money, or learning a new skill. Let us add one more idea to your list: match screen time with green time.
You might have pondered a resolution to limit your screen time or to find healthier ways to use technology in order to improve your overall well-being. We think this is a great idea! As you approach the new year, try to find ways to take in the great outdoors, whether this be your backyard, a local park, or even forests, mountains, and beaches. While screens seem to be an integral part of our everyday lives in some way or another, there are ways we can find balance. Check out this guide from 1000 Hours Outside. They offer tons of resources for families looking to spend less time with tech and more time with nature. Their online community is extensive and welcoming. What do you have to lose?
Nature not your thing? No worries! There are tons of other ways you can strive to be screen free in 2023. An approach we take in our house is no screens after dinner. That means my husband and I aren’t on our phones and no one is sitting in front of a tablet or TV. The one exception is Friday Family Movie Night, which has been a ritual for us for quite a while (by the time Friday comes around, a movie and cuddles with my kids is about all I’m capable of!). Try adding a Family Game Night if movies aren’t your thing or pick out a chapter book at the library that you and the kiddos can read together.
Whatever your resolutions may be, we wish you and your family a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. See you in 2023!